

Our employees are our most valuable resource, and we strive to provide the safest working environment possible, regardless of location. Our safety planning is reinforced by an active, committed leadership role by the leadership team, coupled with the engaged buy-in of all Lineage personnel. The result is an informed, professionally executed safety program comprised of five pillars: Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA); Safety Program Training; Compliance Verification through Inspection & Audits; Accident Investigations; and Reporting of Inspections, Investigations, and Recommended Mitigation. At the Site level, every employee wearing Lineage uniform is a safety manager; each has the authority to interrupt work performance if they believe an unsafe act or condition exists that could jeopardize the safety of personnel. With this expectation, every Lineage employee is empowered to own their individual work processes and to constantly seek ways to make their working conditions safer.

Lineage employs dedicated Safety professionals who manage a safety education and assessment program at each task site. Through both scheduled and periodic spot checks of the working conditions across the site, our team of safety professionals ensure our Activity Hazard Analyses (AHA; an assessment of the hazards associated with the performance of each and every job/task at the Site) are reviewed for validity and changed when necessary to reflect changes in the work conditions for a given task.

Education, through Safety Toolbox Topics disseminated through email to our workforce (and to our customers, should they request to receive these safety education emails), reinforce our workplace safety culture through repeated familiarization of such topics as fall prevention, electrical safety, confined space considerations, and use of proper protective equipment, such as hard hats, safety harnesses and proper footwear during work performance. Our technical leads in the various departments reinforce the toolbox topics through safety training. Through the simple step of discussing each toolbox topic with their employees, our functional leaders reinforce the safety message.

The investigation process for accidents and near-misses is a critical feature of our site-level safety program. When an accident or near-miss occurs, our safety professionals immediately go to the scene to begin their investigation. They will interview the employee(s) who were involved, any witnesses to the event, and the front-line supervisor. They will also take pictures as necessary to support their eventual findings, and for inclusion in the investigation’s case file. Reviews of the AHAs in place at the time are performed, and updates are made to the AHA if it was determined that the working conditions reflected were different at the time of a given incident.

Lineage safety program for our clients touches all levels of our organization, and includes frequent coordination and notification to authorized Government entities as required by the contract. Our program is ultimately a 360-degree process, whereby our job/task instructions are developed from an assessment of working conditions as determined by the AHA; periodic safety checks by our safety professionals and by functional leads ensure compliance through scheduled and unscheduled audits; accidents and near-miss incidents are thoroughly investigated to determine root cause; and our AHAs and job/tasks are updated accordingly to reflect the findings.